Sunday, January 9, 2011

Embracing My Flaws

My flaws are created from my trails. But my trails are just learning opportunities to develop.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Born day January 3

Yesterday I made the Big 32 yrs. every year I worry less about how will I be celebrating.. This year I pick a outfit from my closet that I "By the way" looked fabulous in. I got me a free car wash followed by breakfast at Ms. Biscuit. I went to visit my Auntie on my Dad side who as normal gave me orders do this, do that, LOL. I picked my son up from school and we both took beauty naps...LOL. After the nap I got ready drop my son off to his friend's house for a few hours, and ate at Phil Stefani Restaurant... OMG the food was good. The staff was nice and sing a Italian Style birthday song to me follow by a Birthday Desert. Me and my Bestee had a ball. We went to a local lounge that we both wasn't feeling for 20 min. then we headed on home, I made it in by 11:25pm enough time to respond to all my face book friends Birthday wishes. If I could live everyday like I lived on my birthday it would be heaven for me :o)